
Hashtag SWIMfan

We have been busy bees here at SWIM (wait…do bees swim?).

We’ve been making connections, coordinating schedules, nailing down the interview times that work for all involved, recording, tweeting out messages of interest and insight, and preparing to kick-off a new idea in the SWIM surf.

In case you weren’t aware, or don’t follow us (yet!) last month was Women’s History Month. In honor of that, we chose to honor Strong Women in design, art, technology, and film history who have contributed to the motion industry in major ways. Mary Blair, Grace Hopper, Helen Frankenthaler, and Alice Guy-Blache were just a few of who we highlighted.

With #WomensHistoryMonth resting for another 11 months, we came up with a way to highlight women everymonth: #SWIMfan. So, beginning in May, each month will feature a different Strong Woman somewhere in the world we here at SWIM are a fan of. The intent of this little device is to share her work and accomplishments with our audience to further spread the delights of her craft with the hope of garnering a new fan for her.

Stay tuned with an update for who we will be featuring as our first #SWIMfan!

So, find us online. Follow us on Twitter @youareSWIM. Check our pins on Pinterest @youareSWIM. When you do, you’ll see the #SWIMfan updates as well as receive more insights and inspiration as well as helping build our community. Have a suggestion of a Strong Woman you’d like to see highlighted or interviewed? Let us know with a shout-out using the hashtag SWIMring (#SWIMring).